Cheryl D. Edwards
Contemporary Artist

Quintessence, 2018, Reductive Lithograph, 12x12
Water Angel #1, 2018, Ink Stain, Mixed Media on Board, 36x3x48
Water Angel #2, 2018, Ink stain, Mixed Media on Board, 36x3x48
Water Angel #3, 2018, Ink Stain on Raw Canvas on Board, Mixed Media, 36x4x48
Water Angel #4, 2018, Ink Stain on Raw Canvas on Board, Mixed Media, 36x4x48
Water Angel #5, 2018, Ink Stain on Raw Canvas on Board, Mixed Media, 36x4x48
Quintessence is often referred to as a fifth essence in the relationship to
four elements imagined composing the heavenly bodies. The other four elements are
water, earth, air and fire. It is the latent part of the whole; which is essentially what
embodies the theory of the macrocosm and the microcosm. The images are reflective of
the Egyptian Paddle Dolls; which were used in Egypt between the years of 2040 and
1991 B.C. The mythology of the Paddle Dolls was thought of as a symbol of fertility,
protection, and feminine sexuality. The inverted triangle is a symbol of water used in
science (chemistry) and the spiral is a universal symbol of
infinity. In making these I thought about how humans (in this instance females) are connected to the whole in a universal manner. Humans are 70% water, and thus our
DNA defines our core identity with this substance. Water is thought to exist both here on
earth; as well as on other planets. Scientists infer that liquid water once covered large
areas of Mars and Venus. It is compelling that water is found in every living thing; both
small as well as large. Without water, very little else is capable of existence. Also, this
rings true in the realm of fertility, as without reproduction living things could not
continue to exist.